Engineering and professional life

Creative training, arts and sciences

Basaluzzo, Italia

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Engineering and professional life

“First-rate... A victory for uncertainty, randomness and chaos. Science’s finest hour.”

Don DeLillo, "White noise"

I was born in the Nort-West of Italy in 1977.

After getting my diploma in maturità scientifica at the Liceo Scientifico "E. Amaldi" in Novi Ligure (Alessandria), I studied Electronic Engineering at the University of Genoa, where I took my master degree in 2003 with a thesis on an indoor videosurveillance system for person tracking.

In March 2004 I joined FIAT Research Centre (CRF) in Turin, where I started working on wireless technologies applied to the infomobility, fleet management, freight transportation and electronic architectures of heavy vehicles.

From 2004 to 2011 I was involved — even as coordinator — in several European projects co-funded by the EU within the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes, mainly focusing on the city logistics sustainability through the cooperation of truck manufacturers, logistics operators and public authorities.

After the reorganization of the former FIAT Group, I decided to continue my career in the heavy vehicle business. Therefore, in late 2011 I left the Research Center to join CNH Industrial, the branch of the FIAT galaxy that develops agricultural and construction equipment, trucks and buses with the brands New Holland, Case and IVECO.


More details are available in my LinkedIn profile.



Creative training, arts and sciences

Graphic design

Graphic design and brand development are my favourite hobby. Honestly speaking, I miss a real talent for that, so my interest for these subjects is first of all a continuous eye training, observing designers' portfolios to try to catch the golden rule of beauty.

Nevertheless, in the last years I developed several brands that, all together, form a mosaic describing my activities. For a quick and partial overview, the easiest way is to have a look at my personal page on Behance.



When I find something inspiring — typically a photo or a poster — I buy it to populate my own collection of memorabilia of the twentieth century.

I called this collection MyXX ‒ Un Novecento because it represents and summerizes my personal vision of the XX Century through a mix of graphic items. The only criterion I follow is: no criteria. To join my collection, an object has just to look iconic to my eyes, meaning that it has to recall somehow the cultural background of my generation.

Cold and the Vietnam wars, the golden age of the civil aviation, agricultural mechanization, epic cycling races, railways and shipping, armed force recruiting: these are some of the topics in scope for my collection.


I take pictures, with variable outcomes, since 1992 always using SLR/reflex cameras.

Approaching the digital world, in 2006, allowed me to have an almost continuous no-cost creativity training. But with a side effect: collecting thousands photos in raw format prevents an effective management of the photographic archive. And while the folders grow, the galleries stay empty.

Currently, in a sort of break and as a reaction and provocation, I take pictures with my smartphone and my iPad.

Anyway, sooner or later I'll have to re-start to populate my Flickr sets.

Land governance

I was born in the deep Italian province and I think I know how things go there. Nevertheless, since when I started spending most of my life in big cities, I've increased my sensitiveness for the local governance issues, meaning both the typical social inertia and the threats to the rural landscape by the urban and building development.

Some good readings helped this growth, and this is a title that I definitely recommend: La megalopoli padana, by Eugenio Turri.

Military sciences

Everything started in a boring summer day of 1990, when I accidentally read a book about the epic deeds of the Italian Navy in the WW2.

From that day I developed a strong interest for the military sciences, that gradually focused on three main topics: air-naval warfare, euro-atlantic relations and defence industry.

I wrote for the Rivista Marittima, the official magazine of the Italian Navy, and I cooperated with Pagine di Difesa, a webzine founded and directed by gen. Giovanni Bernardi.

Contact me

If you wish to contact me, plase send me an email.


Alessandria - Piemonte - Italia

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